Lemon Twist For Cream: 2008-05-04
Thursday, May 08, 2008
& put your footprints on // Thursday, May 08, 2008 &

The new Era has come.

Yeah Late post but. Still worth posting cuz, I watched Iron Man with my W14G buddies. they guys: CS,Nasri,sharime,faisal and shuyun,chairmaine,pauline for the girls.
Out of 5 stars ill give a 4.5
Starting abit slow, draggy but it gets better.(and i really mean better).
But i guess iron man would just be any ordinary movie without Robert Downey. Damn he fits the role so good!! His face and attitude really got the word 'iron man' written on it lol.

So yea. As usual after movie we lepak one corner, near causeway there. CS has to go. We talk abt the ol' days. and the fyp we are doing. abit of gossiping. Alot of things ar haha. Had a great time man. Maybe shud do the same for the hulk? but must save money 1st ar, broke atm ^^

Ooh yeah. His got the Attitude!
"thats how we do it, Thats how america does it.. and its worked out pretty well so far" Robert Downey.