Lemon Twist For Cream: 2008-11-30
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
& put your footprints on // Tuesday, December 02, 2008 &


Yeah finally our final year project is over. Now left is to just smile on my way to school everyday lols. Anyway I just want to acknowledge my teamates uh for going through thick and thin! okok here goes.
Vivien A.K.A baka momo, i dunno why the hell i call her that lol. anyway vivien thx for ur hard work and endless support for the team and do come to class often, abit more nia!!! And.. ahem* ahem* drive me to school can? cough* cough*
Next is Siewleng A.K.A aunty, everyday must run to mrt cuz you too early leh. hahaha jkjk. yeah thx for the aunty-like moral support and also the effort you put in haha =)
And then there is Jialu A.K.A ghost whisperer because she will appear unexpectedly in unexpected places HAHA!!! anyway also good job lah for doing the sai-kang work like tabulating results, erm. doing research. and also provide us information and alot lah.. thx thx we really appreciate it man.
And Last but not least its Yong liang A.K.A swimmer because... lolz inside joke haha, anyway i got alot of 'enlightenment' from you during the lab session HAHAHA!!! you know what i mean lah hor *nudge nudge* and of course thx for your effort too lah ok go play ur WoW. haha!
Ok TEAM lets keep in touch man in the future!!! nuff said. pics!

Siewleng looking stunned haha!!


Chongyang,me,yongliang.. aww man this pic is gay.. -_-"

Chuirong and me.OK LETS BULLY CHUIRONG!!! (inside joke)Vivien hair goes swooosh... maybelline advertisement izzit. lol

Mildred from allson's team. Their team is only 2 man team O_O!! omg so fierce lor haha =)
Some ought to be a 'cosplay' pose taught by ginnette haha. And first time saw YT in skirt, cool mah look like some trumpet player!!! and...
HAHAHA u cant escape man miki!!! MIKI COSPLAY-LOOK EXPOSED!!

"I hope the days end slower"