Lemon Twist For Cream: 2008-06-22
Saturday, June 28, 2008
& put your footprints on // Saturday, June 28, 2008 &

Everything happens for a reason,every actions has a reaction and every reaction has an effect.Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. One might think, " but hey i did that for no reason!" But if u think again, theres a reason why the person think its no reason at all. Or you got tummy aches reason because from that overly expired drink that u drank. Or a man slapped you in the bus for no reason, But he must have a reason for it.
Why should there be a reason for anything? I'm not quite sure yet but its how it turned out to be so far.
"The heart has reasons that reason cannot know"

Meanwhile enjoy some brainteasers a friend sent me that will 'juice out' ur brain! haha!
Can you find the other deer?